One to Grow On: Be You

6-29 One to Grow On

Note: This post is the first in a new series that will post each Monday that focuses on one idea for personal growth for the week. I hope you enjoy and find useful.

We have witnessed to a monumental week in the United States. Decades of controversy about the Confederate flag reached a tipping point following a hate fueled shooting rampage at an African-American church in Charleston, South Carolina. And, the United States Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage is legal, a milestone for many couples who have sought equal treatment from their government. The summer of 2015 will be one that is remembered long after it gives way to fall.

Take a Stand

As the events of the past week unfolded around the country, I observed that many corporate brands and individuals who rely on their personal brand for their livelihood took a stance on these issues. Not surprisingly, stances taken were not universal, although many brands and people took public positions on no longer recognizing the Confederate flag as an historic symbol and in favor of granting same-sex couples the right to marry. What struck me about these public proclamations on sensitive social issues that it could be argued that it was unnecessary for brands and people to weigh in. After all, these issues may have nothing to do with their day-to-day business, right?

The corporate and personal brands that took a position on the Confederate flag and same-sex marriage should be lauded. They used their platform to speak up for what they believed was right, regardless of which side of the issues they took. Did they take a risk of turning off people and even losing customers or clients? Yes, they did, but they also resonated with customers and non-customers alike who share similar views.

Be You to be Authentic

The advice for growth this week is simple: Be you. Will your brand be universally embraced? Of course not- some people will think you are too liberal, or too conservative, or too irreverent, or too stuffy, or too something else. You cannot be all things to all people, and once that reality sinks in you can focus on being yourself. When it comes to your personal brand, don’t be concerned only about what is best for business. You must also focus on what is best for you, achieving authenticity through congruence between your personal values and values that guide your professional work. When you do that, chances are you will find opportunities to align with others who share your values and beliefs.

The Quest for Authenticity

We often hear or read personal branding advocates exhorting us to “be authentic.” I’m fine with that- after all, what is the alternative? To be unauthentic, a fraud, a phony? Given a choice, being authentic aligns better with my personal values and I suspect will be better for the health of my personal brand. Convincing us of the importance of authenticity is one thing; understanding the attributes that comprise your brand’s authenticity is a more challenging endeavor.

What Authenticity Means

How do you know when you have found the purpose that drives your personal brand? You know purpose when you are able to observe consistent behaviors and actions in your interactions with others. That consistency also plays out in terms of being the same person across different life contexts- home, school, work, social situations- you cannot nor need  not turn your brand on and off  depending on your environment. This state of consistency is authenticity, which has been described as a “moral inner voice”  that develops from our experiences. Authenticity is an admired characteristic in corporate brands and personal brands because when we encounter authentic brands we can be assured that “what we see is what we get.” An authentic brand does not hide its true character behind mission statements or slogans; actions follow beliefs.

Finding Your Authenticity

So, what does it really mean to be authentic? How do you develop that moral inner voice to align daily performance with your principles? Some personal branding advocates mistakenly equate authenticity with “being ourselves.” That works as long as who you are is who you want to be! In contrast, Seth Godin believes authenticity is based on doing what you promise, not “being who you are.” Thus, we can shape our authenticity by what we promise and how we follow through on our promises. Being who you are suggests a certain level of helplessness or inability to control authenticity, which  is not the case. Marc Ecko, the pharmacy school dropout turned fashion entrepreneur, has built a billion dollar business in part through a focus on brand authenticity. Ecko has three criteria for assessing the authenticity of his personal brand:
  1. How truthful am I to myself and others
  2. The emotional impact that can be made on others through actions
  3. How flexible I am to change.
Don’t subscribe to the notion that your brand authenticity is predetermined based on “you being you.” You have a voice in defining the authentic you. It requires deliberate thought to ask questions like those raised by Marc Ecko and make promises on professional and personal levels. It also requires actions to answer the questions and follow through on the promises.
What does being authentic mean to you when it comes to personal branding? Share your take on authenticity.