Super Bowl Advertising Part 1: Don’t Overlook Non-Traditional Audiences

This week’s postings will be devoted to Super Bowl advertising. Today, the question is who should be the target audience of Super Bowl commercials? The obvious answers are men and sports fans. Such a generalization of the target audience for a televised sporting event works most of the time, but this is the Super Bowl. We are talking about a cultural event as much as we are talking about a sporting event! The audience will be very diverse demographically.

One example of a non-traditional audience marketers would benefit from reaching throught the Super Bowl is moms. According to a survey done for the Marketing to Mom’s Coalition, 80% of moms surveyed said they would watch the Super Bowl. Perhaps more importantly, 60% of moms said they watch the Super Bowl to see the commercials! So, the idea of targeting women with a 30-second Super Bowl spot is not so far fetched if the survey’s findings mirror the behaviors of moms across the general population.

Yes, it could be argued that marketers of products targeting moms would incur a certain amount of wasted spending reaching people not in their target audience. However, ads that target moms make more sense than a B2B marketer like Sales Genie, a business database and list company, running a spot targeting businesses to inquire about its list services. Reaching audiences is an expensive proposition during the Super Bowl ($2.7 million for 30 seconds), but for some brands it could be an opportunity to reach their audience through a different, yet engaging media vehicle. Link

Author: Don Roy

Don Roy is a marketing educator, blogger, and author. His thirty-year career began with roles in retail management, B2B sales, and franchise management. For the past 22 years, Don has shared his passion for marketing as a marketing professor. Don's teaching and research interests include brands, sports marketing, and social media marketing. Don has authored over 20 articles in scholarly journals, co-authored two textbooks, and self-published three books on personal branding. Don is an avid hockey fan and enjoys running. He and his wife, Sara, have three sons.

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