Newspapers Lose Relevance as Ad Medium

Like an aged copy of the local newspaper that turns yellow over time, newspapers are losing relevance as an advertising medium. A survey by credit ratings firm Fitch found sharp declines in advertising in the number of ad pages at large dailies published by Gannett Co., Tribune Co., McClatchy Co., and Dow Jones & Co. The declines are alarming because they are attributed to fewer ad pages in key product categories such as automotive, real estate, and technology products.

It is apparent that large daily newspapers are in the decline stage of the product life cycle, at least in their print formats. Why? It’s the same reason as when any other product loses market share: it loses relevance with its audience. One of the strengths of newspapers has always been their ability to provide great coverage of local news. That’s a newspaper’s point of difference, and while it seems most newspapers in small town America still grasp their role, too many large daily papers have become too broad in the scope of information provided. Let CNN and Fox News fill the role of national/global news coverage. Alternative newspapers have popped up all over the country and many are succeeding at what the legacy newspaper in the market forgets: it’s in the local news business! Link

Author: Don Roy

Don Roy is a marketing educator, blogger, and author. His thirty-year career began with roles in retail management, B2B sales, and franchise management. For the past 22 years, Don has shared his passion for marketing as a marketing professor. Don's teaching and research interests include brands, sports marketing, and social media marketing. Don has authored over 20 articles in scholarly journals, co-authored two textbooks, and self-published three books on personal branding. Don is an avid hockey fan and enjoys running. He and his wife, Sara, have three sons.

2 thoughts on “Newspapers Lose Relevance as Ad Medium”

  1. I totally agree with the fact that newspapers are declining as a medium or advertising. In reality, our generation just dont read newspapers like that anymore. That is a known fact. There is so much information on all these tv channels that the need for newspapers is nonexistent nowadays, which hurts the ads in the papers since the sales are decreasing.

  2. The mess of a newspaper: the black film on your hands that transfers to your face, clothes etc. I have not read a newspaper since 1998 when i was living in new york city and was reading the new york times every sunday religiously, especially on the subway. You find a subway cart that has a few people and try to make yourself comfortable opening the big newspaper (you need 3 seats alone to read it comfortably).

    The shuffling noise of the newspaper is annoying, especially when someone else close to you is reading it as well. It is just too inconvenient. As i became more and more americanized i’ve realized the importance of convenience.

    Also it’s pretty annoying when you’re walking around town with a newspaper mustache and men and women look at you like gosh can’t she get that waxed? when it’s from the newspaper film !

    I’ve been reading the newspapers online and it’s been easier than ever. Everywhere you go it seems like you can access the internet with your laptop, school, starbucks, airplanes etc.

    Since they have it online why purchase it and try to read it in a confined space such as an airplane? They are losing more and more sales of newspaper and subscriptions since the internet is a big part of how people get their news and other information.

    I woudln’t advertise in a newspaper; to buy an ad to sell your car or furniture is quite high when you could list it for free on craigslist.

    Magazines to me are more of a advertising medium. They’re easier to read, they might have articles or fashion that interests you but of course you have to flip through 10 to 20 pages to get to the article but while you do that you might see something you like, a new coach bag or simon g jewelery.

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