If You Give a Flip about Personal Growth, Try Flipboard



One of the challenges of being a consumer in the Information Age is how to discern value from noise. Filtering through the abundance of information on the Internet is the Paradox of Choice on steroids (if you are unfamiliar with the Paradox of Choice, you have to watch Barry Schwartz’s TED talk on the subject). Information is fuel for our personal growth, but if you put diesel in an engine that runs on unleaded gasoline you have inadvertently caused problems that will cost you time and money.

So, what are valuable resources for gathering information in support of your personal growth and development? One resource that has become a go-to app for me is Flipboard. I have been intrigued by the concept of Flipboard since I first read about it shortly after its release in 2010. Simply put, Flipboard is a social digital magazine. It enables users to collect articles from magazines, blogs, websites, and social networking sites into a single location. Flipboard is like a news reader and thus is not unique in that regard. What sets Flipboard apart is its design- the user experience is outstanding as readers “flip” through articles collected with a swipe of a finger.

More than Cool

Design is important in creating a great user experience, and the cool factor of Flipboard makes using it akin to reading a print magazine. But, being cool is not enough to have utility for users. Specifically, Flipboard can contribute to your personal development in the following ways:

  1. Collect for Yourself – If nothing else, using Flipboard is a platform that allows you to construct a personal magazine based on your interests. You select categories or topics about which you wish to receive content. Flipboard is my newspaper. My consumption rituals include beginning each day catching up on the latest news by reading articles from the Cover Stories and News sections. At lunch, I use Flipboard to read about what is going on in the sports world, checking out articles from the Sports section and delving into subsections on baseball and hockey. I have described only how I use Flipboard for general consumption, but I apply the same practices to read the latest articles and thought in areas such as advertising, content marketing, design, social media, and technology. Selecting topics to include in your Flipboard is like selecting food from a restaurant buffet- you pick what you want whether you desire a wide variety or a limited number of items.
  2. Curate for Others – The “social” part of social platforms like Flipboard is based on sharing. Creating magazines to share with other Flipboard users is a way to be part of a community of people with shared interests. You will find yourself “flipping” articles into your magazines that others have flipped into their magazines as well as other Flipboard users finding value in your flips and flipping into their magazines. For example, I have a Flipboard magazine titled Personal Branding U in which I gather articles related to career preparation, development, and personal branding. These topics are central to my job as a college professor; I am happy to help others by sharing the resources I find.
  3. Express Your Brand – A third use of Flipboard is to use it as a channel to support your brand, whether you are a digital-only brand or one with offline presence. Think of Flipboard as a content marketing channel in which the content you curate can be strategically gathered to support your branding efforts. Another Flipboard magazine I have is titled Sports Biz U. The magazine has dual objectives as being a curated source for others interested in sports business and being a support vehicle for a sports marketing textbook that I have co-authored. The magazine can be used by sports business faculty (whether they are using our book or not) to have access to supply of current events and trends in sports business.

Try It for Yourself

Flipboard has evolved from being only for iPad to being available on iPhone, Android devices, and Kindle Fire. In addition to using it for personal growth, I have incorporated Flipboard magazines into courses that I teach, exposing students to a wider range of news and thought in the marketing field than I have ever been able to do through any single source. Best of all- the Flipboard app is free! Download the app, then check out a good “how to” article on using Flipboard like this one from Jason Evangelho. It takes some time to figure out how to make the most of Flipboard, but once you master it you will have added a valuable new dimension to your personal development efforts.