New Product Category: Energy Chips?

If the energy rush of downing a can of Red Bull isn’t enough to stimulate you, help is on the way! Birmingham, AL-based Golden Flake has introduced NRG Phoenix Fury, a caffeine-coated potato chip. The product has the taste of hot and spicy barbeque, but a 3.5 oz bag packs the same caffeine punch as 3.5 cups of coffee. NRG Phoenix Fury is the latest extension of energy products arising from the popularity of energy drinks.

This innovation falls under the category of “just because it can be done, should it really be done?” It is logical that the energy products category can be expanded beyond energy drinks, but the potato chips category does not seem as compatible as extensions such as energy gum or energy bars. NRG Phoenix Fury is likely going to be a fad product that will join the annals of product failure. Golden Flake could make a greater contribution to society if by improving the nutritional value of its snack foods! Such innovation would have greater long-term value in the marketplace. Link

P.S. – Interestingly, there is no mention of the product on the Golden Flake web site. A new product should be touted, not kept quiet!

Author: Don Roy

Don Roy is a marketing educator, blogger, and author. His thirty-year career began with roles in retail management, B2B sales, and franchise management. For the past 22 years, Don has shared his passion for marketing as a marketing professor. Don's teaching and research interests include brands, sports marketing, and social media marketing. Don has authored over 20 articles in scholarly journals, co-authored two textbooks, and self-published three books on personal branding. Don is an avid hockey fan and enjoys running. He and his wife, Sara, have three sons.

3 thoughts on “New Product Category: Energy Chips?”

  1. I find this product very odd. Mostly because, in my opinion, when people want an energy rush they will reach for a drink, not a food. A drink is more convenient, doesn’t make as much noise (good for when you need a boost of energy during a lecture), and wont leave you with a greasy hand. And if someone were to be eating these chips, they would probably need a drink. My guess is if they opted to buy caffine-coated chips, they would go for a caffinated drink. Is that really smart? You will have people walking around so jittery they can’t think straight. In my opinion they should have just tried to make a healthier chip.

  2. What will they come up with next??? Energy popcorn? Come on!!!
    Even if this will be marketed i wouldn’t want to be one of the first ones to try it. Remember the fat free potato chips that cause anal leakage? Yeah no thanks !!! Who knows what kind of health disasters these chips might cause as well.

  3. Energy chips?,doesn’t sound energizing at all. i for one would not buy it because its not as convenient as an energy drink, plus like the other commenter said you will probably need a drink afterwards. i’ll stick to the drinks instead

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