Fuel Brand Purpose with Passion


Purpose defines your reason for being. Recent posts examined the role of motivation in determining purpose and how to articulate brand purpose. When applied to managing your professional identity like a brand, purpose serves a similar role to that of a mission statement for an organization- it provides meaning that guides the career you pursue, the employer you choose, and your actions on the job. But, there is another force that guides development of your personal brand’s Meaning: Passion. In contrast to the thought provoking questions used to clarify your purpose, passion is stoked by emotions. Feelings that you have about what you do and the impact you create through your work comprises your passion.

Where exactly does passion fit in with building your personal brand? This question is one for which differing opinions are held. One view is that passion should dictate your career choices- what type of job to hold, what company to join (or go out on your own as a freelancer or entrepreneur), and what city to live in as you pursue your career goals. An opposing view is that allowing passion to lead your career planning could result in going down a path that does not bring the fulfillment and happiness desired.

What Is Passion, and What Should I Do with it?

Before you know whether passion should lead or follow in personal brand development, it would be useful to examine just what passion means. Passion has connotations with eliciting strong emotional responses such as excitement or love. However, the origin of the word passion can be traced to the Latin “pati” which means “to suffer.” Whoa! Does this mean you should be searching for a job or employer that will make you suffer? Of course not- a deeper interpretation of passion is that it is linked to something for which you are willing to invest heavily- time, effort, and yes, suffer through occasional adversity and disappointment. But, because of the intense emotional connection you have with something for which you are passionate you will go through tough times to enjoy the pleasure and satisfaction derived from the endeavor.

Fuel for Your Purpose

Think of passion as the fuel for your purpose. Your values and motivation are energized when connected with passion. In the context of personal branding, passion can be defined as the sources of happiness that energize the work you do. The impact of passion is not limited to work you do through carrying out job duties- it is evident in the volunteer work you perform, conversation topics in which you engage on social media, and the hobbies or outside interests you enjoy. All of these non-job aspects of your life play a part in defining your personal brand. Thus, recognizing your passion is vital to personal branding success. The challenge is how to channel passion to strengthen your personal brand while enjoying the synergy of a career in which your passion figures prominently in your work.

 Follow or Lead ?

Two distinct viewpoints exist about the role passion should play in your career and building a personal brand. One camp lives the “follow your passion” mantra. The other camp subscribes to the belief that you are led to your passion through developing skills and capabilities that enable you to fulfill your purpose. What are the merits of each viewpoint? Is one of them more viable than the other? Great questions, but unfortunately ones that should not be answered here. They merit their own space and will receive it as the focus of a post next week.

Author: Don Roy

Don Roy is a marketing educator, blogger, and author. His thirty-year career began with roles in retail management, B2B sales, and franchise management. For the past 22 years, Don has shared his passion for marketing as a marketing professor. Don's teaching and research interests include brands, sports marketing, and social media marketing. Don has authored over 20 articles in scholarly journals, co-authored two textbooks, and self-published three books on personal branding. Don is an avid hockey fan and enjoys running. He and his wife, Sara, have three sons.

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